Sunday, August 28, 2011


Dear friends, we stick together no matter what happens 

we will survive guys , I believe we can..
Holla, today imma blog about the situation my committee is facing ..we are facing a big CRISIS .money . the problem is money .Sir , we know how u feel...I feel down and sad . Ogod , if money didnt exist in this world ..I hope we can achieve our target .

But its really hard ..within a few weeks to get tht amount of money.

I want to have lil cute descriptions of the people I worked with for the past few months in my sports committee.

1.How I got into the committee?
Natalie Han , my high school babe led me into joining this special committee. One day, after a long conversation in KFC about funny funny things. Natalie said she gotta leave for a meeting and so I asked to joined her and to see whts this COMMITTEE was about ..

2. First impression ?
Hmm, serious .serious.serious. the committee gave me a sense of responsibility. The people there were full of joy. I decided to join them . The lecturers were strict with dignity and somehow very passionate and had their own goals. The members were fun .oyea did I mention fun, and always joked alot..

3. People I first met ?
Wen Kiat. He's funny and abit amusing .

4. What made me join the commitee?
Natalie's powerpoint presentation. She blew me away. I thought to myself ..I want to be like her one day. So presentable and courageous..and so so intelligent . I also wanted to join a committee related to events . and not to forget the lecturer's commands .I sort of wanted to do things I never accomplished before and now I could see where I stand .

5. Members who cooperated with me ? (with pics of doggies to illustrate them )

Boey koko. soo cute ;)

-Boey koko, hmm, he's like a big brother to me, he taught me lots of things and He's mixed. Boey Zhi Chong. At first glance, i thought he was a Malay, turns out tht he's a Chindian. I guessed correctly tht he was half chinese and half something.*smiles* At first, I thought he was the cold type but then I came to realise tht he was a warm fellow . Someone tht u could trust. He's also very smart and get things done quickly, very efficient. I could also tell him things I never tell anyone else. Very grateful to be able to meet such a nice person.Hmm, throughout the times, I think he's an organized person with the happy go lucky personality. He is never selfish and likes to put others first b4 himself. He gives really good suggestions . Hes simple and cheerful. Holy cow. Its hard to describe him in words . Id rather say hes such a good friend.

Wen Kiat *ruff ruff*

-Next up is Wen Kiat, *laughs continuosly* . Hes very funny and so very amusing. Loves to tell jokes. Rants alot. Makes fun of people. Caring . Kind. Hilarious. Strong build and equipped with intelligence upon first glance..But then people, dont be fooled . He may not be what u think he is . Loves to fool around but somehow very serious lookin and strict when it comes to work. Responsible and likeable. 
Manisha and Shalini
- Both of them are very feminine in a way . Lol. I love Manisha's accent . She's elegant and intelligent. She's very pretty too. I love both of their eyelashes .They're so long . Shalini is charming in a way and talkative ..I love talking to both of them. We have long funny conversations tht always start with Manisha's dirty thoughts. LOL. To be honest, we are all so dirty minded . Haha. Manisha has long long hair and Shalini's hair is often braided neatly. First impression of them, they gave me a strong independent lady type of feel . Very smart and funny too . I cannot think of anymore words to describe them .. Theyre like husky pups .haha.

-Lastly, here's a pic of how my lecturers (the leaders of the pack) looks like to me if he were a doggie ..
Sir Fikree, Sir Dharminder, Sir Joel
Our pack leaders

Dear friends , lets all hope that our plans will work out :)

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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