Thursday, August 18, 2011


I do feel guilty after lying .

Okie. My first post is about lies . I admit that I do lie most of the time . Sometimes to save myself , sometimes to protect others . However, I cannot keep this secret in me anymore . I guess the only way to express my self is through starting a blog. I lied to him many, many times . I can't take it anymore . Im a freakin bitch, I cant even face myself in the mirror nowadays . I feel so messed up . Heres what I;m going to do, Im confessing to u , my dear blog:

  I know rite ? but who cares . I want to stay true to myself.

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT : I dunno since when I had feelings for him, its been months that I kept thinking only about him. yes him. joey calls him mr.cutie. Forgive me God , for I have sinned . Feelings can sometimes drive us so crazy , we will end up doing crazy things . Im talkin about me , Im so crazy, I feel stupid for the things that I do just to have a better sight of him almost everyday in college. I would come early to college and sit at the exact spot to have a clear view of him. what ? Its called pleasure .OMG .  what am I saying? ! It will be minutes of waiting and minutes of joy and when he leaves , I feel down in class, during breaks and throughout the moments in college. Yea . I stalked him too. Many of my friends already know who he is . wtf am i doin ? the secret is no longer one . There is a story to how I met him, so, there was this day where I went to college for a meeting and before it started , I sat in a corner on my own to pass time, and out of nowhere this charming guy just sat beside me and we began talking non-stop for a few hours .Those few hours seemed like forever, I felt like I had found the identical opposite sex of me , someone who I could relate to myself, someone somewhat similiar to me that I cannot describe the feeling in words. After that, he went off cuz he had something to do and we went our ways and since then I had been thinking about him and he replaced lee hom as my daily motivation.Hmm. I guess that I dont have the courage to tell him tht I like him till now ..

The reason is yes , well, hmm, ..............................pure rejection .......

Yea , Im afraid of rejection, I mean its not that I feel like being in a relationship with him, I just hope that he would receive acknowledgement tht I admire him not in a way tht I want him as a companion, no , I just like him as the way he is .. I think he's cute, friendly, kind, helpful yea . I can go on and on.. However, I do not have the right to request him to be mine. This is because I;m a fine young lady who sticks to my principles in life, and tht is to not be associated in any relationship regarding the opposite sex   until I reach the golden age of 21 ! close people have adviced me : pearl, why are u doing this to urself , my replies are simple .. I tell them what I have learnt through my experience :

I have learnt to be serious when it comes to relationships, I listen to my heart, when I like someone, I have no right and do not deserve to tell him that I LOVE HIM because I do not know him enough, I have not learnt anything from him yet , when it comes to the process of learning from someone I like, this will take months, I want to be sure of the person I fall for, I want to have my own confirmation . Many responses from the people I talk to are ure insane , ure crazy, why not now , tell him that u like him NOW , why 3 years later ? WHY? WHY? WHY? this I cant find a possible easy solution to the problem . yes , I may excel in my studies, but I fail to find answers in ways to deliver my message to people who hopes to get opinions from me . God in fact did not make anybody completely perfect in this world . He made us with flaws and imperfections so that we could find the one who can truly turn our flaws into perfections by simly bringing joy into our lives one day. and I surely CANNOT just say tht HE IS THE ONE .. Im sorry that I LIED TO YOU . Im sorry I did not have the courage . Im sorry I put u in my heart every freakin second and just keep thinking about u . Im sorry u didn't know tht I have feelings for u. I told ur friend tht in a few years later, if u were still single , I would tell u the truth ..
Most of my babes have loyal companions but I have my own point of view. Some of them got into relationships just because her friends did.  I do what I want . I dont follow others . Seriously, I think thts insane.

After I decided to put u in the crush category, I started to tell friends about u, :LOL: , u see , I just could not lock those feelings in me , they kept on forcing themselves out of me. I told babe1 first, she laughed and said she also took notice of u before and had some cute descriptions about u, and then babe2 saw u on my phone's screen, she went whos tht , omg pearl u like him? I went I think so and I told her about u too, then my bro guessed u correctly at the upper foyer after many failures ! It soon went on to babe3 who was in the same intake as u, she didnt have to guess she just told me in my face ! PEARL , U LIKE XXX , there , tht one there rite ? OMO,OMO, she just scared the hell out of me , she said lots of girls like him and the head of our studentbody liked him b4 , i kinda freaked out !! looks like I have competition . *evil laugh *. okie enough of the gossip i sound like a drag queen ....
Nowadays, young couples are so frequent it just seems normal in college. I was quite shocked because I was from an all girls high school and now the male population in college kinda puts me in a new society where I gotta get use to being around all types of guys . Im kinda got used to it already but I still miss the all girl situation ... gahhh... I miss them lots!

I guess Im afraid to be alone most of the time even though I accepted Christ a while ago so tht I could fill my mind with his teachings and not go hunting for a boyfriend to keep me alive .. As I get to this age, I kinda understand how it feels to be in isolation especially sleepless nights . okay. yea, I have imsomnia , an illness where I cant go to sleep at night , I think Im nocturnal ... niweiz, I understand his song now ..his feelings during the night , watch the video below , the song I listen to when I think of him at night and also my form six friends in high school whom I left after 2 months to study in college :

                                         ♡lee hom, u indeed sang my heart out ♡

Before another confession, there are 2 pics tht adeline che2 sent me , she asked me to find some designs so tht her tailor can make the prom dress of my choice for me . aww. shes so sweet, today I was supposed to go shopping with her but my hormones were against me and I found period stains the first thing I woke up this morning and I suffered the whole day of cramps ! I hate it ! Sometimes I wish I was a dude , I dont mind carrying something below my body *giggles* LOL

my current choice of design for prom

woookay, I think thts all for today, Ill come clean soon.

"You have to get hurt. That's how you learn."

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